With Asmus Tietchens and Dieter Moebius, two artists counting among the greats of German avant-garde electronic music have come together. Both have been active for well over thirty years: Moebius (since 1970) as a member of Kluster/Cluster and Harmonia, as well as solo and in numerous collaborations (Brian Eno, Mani Neumeier, Conny Plank, Mayo Thompson and many more), and Tietchens (since 1976) almost exclusively as a solo artist, beginning in the fields of electronic music and musique concréte and later mainly in the realm of abstract music.
Moebius and Tietchens first collaborated 1976 in Moebius' project LILIENTAL (with Conny Plank, Okko Becker, and Helmut Hattler, released in 1978). 35 years later, both decided in 2011 to record the album which is now to be released. Moebius since the early years of Kluster has neither lost his curiosity nor his eagerness for experimentation. On the contrary: He has downright cultivated them. Tietchens is not only a true aficionado of the Cluster's music and friend of the duo, but has also released countless albums of electronic music and musique concréte since the 1980's – like Cluster, initially on Sky Records – then later only in the field of industrial and abstract music. Their album may come from out of the blue, but the large amount of overlap in the music of both artists made it a forgone conclusion to finally make good on the aforementioned promise.
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